
Showing posts with the label Experiment

Finally time to do what I love “draping”.

My on-going project - Light and Shadow #3

Trip the light fantastic. My morning dance . . . #2

My on-going project "Light and Shadow" #1

Light and Shadow Project

"I have a serious love affair with stripes."

"Painting Life"- Light and Shadow project

Woking on a kind of notched pattern today.

"My Capillary Wave" - Part of my Light and Shadow project.

"Hand Up"

"La Caricia de la Muerte" Part of my project

Part of my experiment/project - Light Blind Me

"THE LIGHT BLINDS ME" Trying self-portrait.

DIY: My Experiment with Origami at School

Sunday Fun! The view from the top. Testing a new toy (drone flyer) at the summer house today.

An unconventional material. My DIY scarf from origami paper


Reverse Shibori, Tie Dye on Denim

Bodice Made Of Leaf / MY DIY- Bodice Made Entirely From Leaves

Picking Reed and Leaves for Making Natural Bodice.