Monday, 14 November 2016

"Instrument Panel"

It's too early waking up at 5 and drivning to town on Monday morning. This is how I see the "Instrument Panel" this morning hehe. Rather abstract but I like it. Part of my "Light and Shadow" project.


Sunday, 13 November 2016

"High on Happy Time" with Leana!

"High on Happy Time" Sometimes you forget people you meet. But sometimes you meet people you can't forget. Those are your friends. Miss you Leana.... @leanaszimmermann .


Saturday, 5 November 2016

My Equalizer Sunday

"Equalizer" Waking Up Happy, Seeing Light Rays, Shade and Shadow. It's really interesting effect on the wall. Part of my "Light and Shadow" project. 

Shadow and Light


Friday, 28 October 2016

YOU CAUGHT ME! - A night walk with great companies

"YOU CAUGHT ME" It's been a hard day's night. A night walk with great companies, lovely people, and a simple dinner what I needed tonight. Life's teasing me sometimes. When you plan to leave the town, suddenly you realize how much you love it ,and many people who love you.

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